Thursday, June 3, 2010

a couple of years back i stumbled across the amazingly awesome works of Yellena James...

if you haven't seen her stuff, you should definitely check it out.

so i've admired her work for a while and the other day i got a bright idea...
i grabbed sean's projector,
picked out (one of) my favorites,
tacked up a pillow case.

...and took on the the task of embroidering this:

here's what it looks like traced:

so far this is what she's lookin like...

i can't tell you how often i think maybe i bit off more than i can chew but i think it's so therapuetic! and what better way to get some practice in than a huge fucking Yellena picture?
yep. so i'm on it.

i've taken a few pictures of the work in progress and when it's finished i'll have a digital flip book sort of thing... ? a project in a project. i guess.

and also just because i think this is beautiful...
something from Sandrine Pelletier.